In my lifetime I have heard countless stories of people who have committed a heinous act and gotten away with it. I would venture to guess that most of my family and friends have also heard these stories and respond similarly...with a shake of the head, a sigh, and a hearty.."That's crap." So why is it that we see and hear these stories so frequently throughout our lives and yet we are still shocked every time?
I have a theory. Perhaps in our heart of hearts, each of us actually believes that our system of law and order works. Maybe, just maybe, we want to be able to trust that if we or someone near and dear to our hearts was hurt in some way at the hands of another, the law wouldn't allow them to simply walk away unscathed by what they had done. I realize that this may come across as naive...but I do. I want to think that justice will be served in every situation of wrong doing. I want to believe that my grandparents were right when they told me "what goes around comes around". I don't want to spend one day of my life thinking that I or someone I love would never receive justice. On the same coin, I want to believe they would be vindicated if they were accused of something they had not done and the guilty party would be punished.
I may be alone in my feelings on this subject, and if so, I am willing to bare the weight alone, but there it is. I have no shame in hoping for the best possible outcome and being surprised (even angered) when it doesn't happen in the earthly sense. I suppose I must take comfort in knowing that even when earthly justice isn't served, the final verdict isn't in and He, who knows all...will eventually have his say.