Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sometimes....they actually get something right.

Today, there are almost 700 new laws being enacted in the State of Texas and while I am completely against the creation and implementation of frivolous laws (that is laws that serve no greater good..and there are more than a few), I believe our lawmakers have done a pretty good job of creating laws this year....or at least some. With that I would like to present my favorite new laws for this year.

Here we go (in no particular order):

  1. Funeral protests (HB718):
    Those who want to picket a Texas funeral must end their protests three hours before a funeral begins. Protestors also must wait for three hours to pass when funeral services conclude. 
  2. Rape tests (SB1616):
    This law creates a faster timetable for the DNA testing process, requiring police investigators to submit rape-kit evidence for lab review within 30 days of collection. Those labs must then test the samples within three months.
  3. AMBER alert expansion (HB1075):
    This law expands the use of AMBER alerts to help locate adults diagnosed with developmental disabilities. 
     4. A veteran designation will be displayed on a driver license for applicants who provide proof of  military  service and honorable discharge. (HB 1514)

     5. If someone is convicted of killing a child age 10 or younger results in a capital murder charge that carries a possible death sentence. Previously, a suspect was charged with capital murder in a child's death if the victim was 6 or younger.

     6. A bill catagorized as HB 3 on the official Governor of State of Texas website  increases the punishment for repeat sex offenders convicted of continuous sexual abuse of a child, including certain sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault offenses, to life without parole.
As previously stated, these are my favorite new laws...or at least the ones I could actually find. I can't seem to locate an entire list of the almost 700 pieces of legislation that are activated today. For those of us who value morals,  some of these new laws mean greater peace of mind and for those who choose to commit heinous acts, well....enjoy prison.

Have a great 3 day weekend everyone!!

* This blog post should not be construed as a political endorsement for ANY candidate for ANY political office. It is simply meant as an informational piece to discuss some new legislation that has come to my attention. I am certain that there are MANY new laws that I will probably disagree with...if I can ever find the entire reader friendly list.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

School days...dear old golden rule days...

On Monday my boys, much like most kids in North Texas, will be heading to their first day of school. Aidan will be in the first grade this year and my little one, Alex, will be starting Prekindergarten. We will be meeting their teachers this evening and delivering their school supplies. 
No doubt on Monday, they will be dressed to impress with new backpacks in tow, ready to make new friends and hopefully gain some knowledge as well. On this day I will wave goodbye and be reminded once again of how fast they grow up. ~Sniff~ Enough of the sappy stuff. ~Deep sigh~

Since school will be starting so soon, I started thinking about hilarity and humor that students, parents and educators alike will all be subject to this year. And so, I thought a few funny anecdotes might set the mood for the upcoming school year. So here you go, I hope you enjoy these!

"If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers."
Edgar W. Howe

"But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret."
Ronald Reagan

"Remember in elementary school you were told that in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file from smallest to tallest? What is the logic in that? What, do tall people burn slower?"
Warren Hutcherson

"My father wanted me to have all the educational opportunities he never had, so he sent me to a girls school."
Jack Herbert

"As long as teachers give tests, there will always be prayer in schools."

"One can always tell it's summer when one sees school teachers hanging about the streets idly, looking like cannibals during a shortage of missionaries."
Robertson Davies

"The teacher should make a concerted effort never to lose his temper in the presence of the class. If a man, he may take refuge in profane soliloquies. If a woman, she may follow the example of one sweet-faced tranquil girl who went out in the yard and gnawed a post."
William Lyon Phelps

"Education is when you read the find print; experience is what you get when you don't."
Pete Seeger
"Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only that the cat died nobly."
Arnold Edinborough

MY ALL TIME FAVORITE QUOTE (and quite appropriate since I just had my 10 year high school class reunion this summer):
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country."
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

 Enjoy your school year!! :D

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Freshly Sharpened Pencils

For those that know me very well...this blog entry won't come as a shock. But, for those of you that don't, are you in for a surprise. OK..well, maybe not a huge surprise.

Since I was a kid I have had a fetish that I don't tell most people about. I love school supplies. Every year around this time, the stores start stocking their shelves with spiral notebooks, back packs, and reams of crisp new paper and my mouth starts to water and my eyes twinkle with delight. For me there are very few things that can give the satisfaction to the smell of a brand new pack of crayons or sharpening a pencil to a perfect point.

Yes, this may make me the biggest freak or nerd that has ever walked the earth, but there it is.
As a young girl my mother would buy my school supplies about two weeks before school started and I would spend every day of that two weeks opening my new backpack and unloading the contents, laying it out precisely on the floor and just staring at it. Even back then, I couldn't wait to open the packages and start using my new stuff to create. My mother had to start hiding the stuff so that I wouldn't get into it early.

Before I had children and when I was no longer in school, I followed the sales on school supplies and would buy and donate enough for 5 children. So now that I have my two boys, and they are both going to be in school this year (my oldest in 1st grade and my youngest in Pre K.) I have started buying for them. It brings me joy to discover that my youngest son shares in my love for the school supplies. He has already had me spread out his new supplies so he can stare at it. And he was upset when he thought his beautiful new blue folder was bent on the corner. Yes, I had to follow in my mother's footsteps and hide the bounty so he would not be tempted to tear into it a month before he starts school.

So this year, when you are shopping for your childrens' school supplies, think of me and smile and know that I am smiling as I peruse the isles just to get a whiff of the newness and euphoria that only it can bring.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why is it such a shock?

In my lifetime I have heard countless stories of people who have committed a heinous act and gotten away with it. I would venture to guess that most of my family and friends have also heard these stories and respond similarly...with a shake of the head, a sigh, and a hearty.."That's crap." So why is it that we see and hear these stories so frequently throughout our lives and yet we are still shocked every time?

I have a theory. Perhaps in our heart of hearts, each of us actually believes that our system of law and order works. Maybe, just maybe, we want to be able to trust that if we or someone near and dear to our hearts was hurt in some way at the hands of another, the law wouldn't allow them to simply walk away unscathed by what they had done. I realize that this may come across as naive...but I do. I want to think that justice will be served in every situation of wrong doing. I want to believe that my grandparents were right when they told me "what goes around comes around". I don't want to spend one day of my life thinking that I or someone I love would never receive justice. On the same coin, I want to believe they would be vindicated if they were accused of something they had not done and the guilty party would be punished.

I may be alone in my feelings on this subject, and if so, I am willing to bare the weight alone, but there it is. I have no shame in hoping for the best possible outcome and being surprised (even angered) when it doesn't happen in the earthly sense. I suppose I must take comfort in knowing that even when earthly justice isn't served, the final verdict isn't in and He, who knows all...will eventually have his say.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reviving Comfort: Recipes from my childhood

The last month has been a whirlwind of major world news, sad circumstances for close friends, and devastating tragedy for fellow Americans. My prayers are and have been strong for everyone effected by the natural disasters around the world, my dear friends who are and have been having their faith and resolve tested, and those who are left confused and bewildered by the predictions of a man whose true intentions may never be known (including him and his family..yup that's right..I pray for him too.) I pray for peace of mind and spirit for all of you.

With everything that has been weighing heavy on my spirit, I began to think about how blessed my life has been. My childhood, although wracked at times with devastation, was one of leisure for the most part. I grew up on a cattle farm surrounded by family that loved me to the point of exhaustion and spent the warm days of summer playing in the creek and fields behind my home. My brother Danny and I went crawdad fishing, built forts, played basketball on a court made of red dirt, and helped in the gardens at our grandparents homes. I know how sweet blackberries taste fresh from the vine and still to this day believe that nothing smells better than fresh vegetables being canned for winter. Sunday dinners after church with my grandparents, aunts, and cousins fill my mind with memories that will never fade. Thinking back now, I miss how simple things were then.

I want my own children to remember their childhood with such fondness and have a flood of memories anytime, in their adult lives, they smell or taste good home cooked food.

This week I am making redskin potatoes and green beans with bacon and a lime jello salad that I remember fondly (thanks Nana). They both are great additions to any meat dish (I am making the veggies with pork chops and the lime jello as a dessert for a smoked sausage and potato recipe my mom gave me (family favorite) for dinner Friday (the day Aidan graduates kindergarten).

Redskin potatoes and green beans with bacon

fresh, frozen or canned green beans (drain juice from canned beans)
red skin potatoes (cut into 1" chunks)
raw bacon (about 1 slices per 1 lb of veggies)
sliced, diced, or chunked onion
salt and pepper to taste

Put all ingredients in a large pot and just cover with water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes or until potatoes and beans are fork tender.

Lime Jello Salad
1 lg. can crushed pineapple 
1 1/2 c. miniature marshmallows 
1 pkg. lime Jello 
1 c. cottage cheese 
1/2 c. chopped nuts 
1 c. whipped cream

Drain pineapple into measuring cup and add water to make 1 1/2 cups juice. Put in saucepan and boil for 1 minute. Add lime Jello and dissolve. Let cool. Add crushed pineapple, cottage cheese, marshmallows, nuts and whipped cream and stir. Fold into a jello mold or large glass bowl and chill in the fridge for a few hours before serving. YUM!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

“Nit-picking” in its Most Literal Translation

I am going to start my blog this week with a small rant. Excuse me for a moment.
 (steps up on soap box…clears throat)

LICE are not a social disease. Having them does not demonstrate financial or social status. They are not a barometer for uncleanness…to the contrary, lice prefer a nice clean environment to live and nest in. They can not breathe when their exoskeleton becomes overwhelmed by the natural oils in a person’s hair; not to mention the eggs (or Nits) will not cling to the hair shaft when oils are in abundance. Therefore, having them only proves how truly clean you are. That being said, however, there is NO excuse for keeping them when there are so many over the counter, homeopathic and even prescription treatments available for minimal cost. Getting lice= CLEAN …KEEPING LICE= Dirty and irresponsible…get the picture?
End rant.

Aidan came home on Tuesday from school and our evening was as normal as any other until, after dinner, I decided to cut his hair. I got him up on the chair, pulled out the clippers, decided which attachment to use for just the right length, turned them on, tilted his head forward so I could start at the neck, and slowly began to buzz away the excess…when suddenly his head began to crawl!! I clipped away a little more and that is when I got a really good look at the vermin….LICE!  EWWW! I had my father-in-law run to the store and buy some de-lousing shampoo while I finished shaving his head…to my son’s dismay because he was hoping for a faux hawk. He now has a crew cut and I could see clusters of the nasty little bugs all over his head. We shampooed, towel dried, and oiled up his head and began to “nit-pick”. I did both of my kids…just to be safe and Aidan did NOT go to school Wednesday and I called the school Tuesday night and left a message so they could warn his teacher…I feel like a responsible parent! Wednesday night I went to the same extremes…treat with OTC Lice shampoo, wash the hair with Coconut 2 in 1 shampoo for kids, and then back to nit-picking. Finally I thought I had them all…I was wrong. I took Aidan to school Thursday morning and the nurse found eggs/Nits in abundance…that’s it!! Its my money or my sanity. A quick trip to Walmart and $7 later, we had ourselves a METAL lice comb. As soon as we got home I began my “skitzer” technique again…comb, pick, comb, pick, comb, pick….and I only stopped when I found NOT ONE egg on either of my children’s heads. I then turned to my own hair….long, thick, full of body…and in fact…I had eggs. I am now sitting here with my hair in a towel after treating with the lice shampoo and washing with a lightening shampoo that I use to bring out that summer blonde (it has a chemical that is similar to ammonia or peroxide and it makes me feel better to use it). Tonight…the boys hair will be washed and combed again…and hopefully the nurse won’t find any leftovers tomorrow. I will be sending Aidan to school with gelled up hair from now on because I figure the alcohol content in hair gel coupled with the greasy texture it gives the hair will help prevent us from getting them again before school ends in 2 weeks.

**UPDATE: Aidan was able to return to school on Friday. Guess my nit-picking was a success.

Most commonly suggested LICE home remedies*:

Listerine—original kind works best due to the higher alcohol content, but any flavor will do.
Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner
Rubbing Alcohol
Dog Flea and Tick Shampoo
Vegetable, corn, canola, olive, baby…basically any kind of oil
Skin so soft
Tea Tree oil—use small amount combined with baby shampoo as it burns the scalp if used pure
OFF or any kind of personal bug repellant
Lysol disinfectant spray—for furniture, bedding or other inanimate objects
Vinegar—any kind
Hair dye with ammonia or peroxide
HOT HAIR IRON…heat= dead bugs and eggs

And of course there are always the go to products:

RID, NIX or prescription products, a fine tooth comb (METAL nit combs designed for this use work best)

I use a combination of products coupled with patience and the grace of God to rid myself of these skin-crawling vermin. You can’t be too careful or too persistent.

* USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This list is not to be used as medical advice. I do not suggest, recommend, or otherwise endorse any of the products as an alternative to a physician’s care or pharmacist recommendation. I am not a doctor or pharmacist and I do not play one on TV.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh what to write about this week.....

I will not talk about Osama bin Laden. I will not mention the report from the Pakistani government in which bin Laden’s own daughter confirms that her father was in fact shot in the head and is deceased. There will be no speculation of whether or not the Pakistani government or military knew of the presence of Osama bin Laden…the #1 most heavily sought terrorist in the world…inside their borders. I will not comment on my disgust toward my fellow Americans who couldn’t enjoy the United States’ victory for even a moment because they were too busy finding fault in each other. Nor will I speak about the disrespect being shown to the men and women who have served our country tirelessly in the name of justice by those who choose to deny their successes. I will not allow myself to write anything about the conflict I feel, as an American Christian, over whether to celebrate the death of a man who has spread fear and hate around the world or grieve for the soul lost to Satan. I refuse to discuss these things.

What I will say is this: I LOVE my country and my fellow Americans. I love the comradery I feel with the people around me everyday. I am PROUD of the military history in my family and I am proud of my friends who chose a life serving for the greater good. And when they or their brothers/sisters in uniform come under fire for wanting to have a better life for them and their countrymen…I am prouder still. Stop the hate!!! Stop finding reasons to be angry. There is enough to worry about without picking apart every single thing you see and hear in a day’s time. Enjoy your family and friends and the air you breathe. Be glad that those who serve voluntarily do so and that you, your sons, your fathers, your friends are not ripped from your homes and forced to fight as they are in some third world nations. Now is the time to come together and show the world that although we don’t always agree on everything, we will protect each other and defend each other and love each other because hate begets hate and we have had enough

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Allow me to introduce myself.

A declining economy coupled with a death in the family leads a mother of two rambunctious boys and her family to move from their home to live with her husbands family. One woman, two boys, 4 men, 3 dogs, and a guinea pig share a home, a life, and lots of love. How will they make it work?
No. This isn't the trailer to some movie. It is in fact, my life or at least part of it. There are 7 of us in this household, me, my husband, my 2 boys, my father-in-law and 2 of my brothers in law. Well, most of the time that is how it is. For the last few weeks another one of my husband's brothers has been staying here as well. Moving on....I am currently taking online classes at University of Phoenix to get my Bachelor's of English. I am in my 3rd class and so far, I love it. I would argue with anyone that believes getting a degree online is an easy feat. I work my ever lovin' booty off in every class I take and my GPA proves it. I spend my time balancing school, activities at my oldest son's school, entertaining my 4 year old, handling the duties of every housewife, and loving my wonderful husband. My family is my life and I love my life.