Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh what to write about this week.....

I will not talk about Osama bin Laden. I will not mention the report from the Pakistani government in which bin Laden’s own daughter confirms that her father was in fact shot in the head and is deceased. There will be no speculation of whether or not the Pakistani government or military knew of the presence of Osama bin Laden…the #1 most heavily sought terrorist in the world…inside their borders. I will not comment on my disgust toward my fellow Americans who couldn’t enjoy the United States’ victory for even a moment because they were too busy finding fault in each other. Nor will I speak about the disrespect being shown to the men and women who have served our country tirelessly in the name of justice by those who choose to deny their successes. I will not allow myself to write anything about the conflict I feel, as an American Christian, over whether to celebrate the death of a man who has spread fear and hate around the world or grieve for the soul lost to Satan. I refuse to discuss these things.

What I will say is this: I LOVE my country and my fellow Americans. I love the comradery I feel with the people around me everyday. I am PROUD of the military history in my family and I am proud of my friends who chose a life serving for the greater good. And when they or their brothers/sisters in uniform come under fire for wanting to have a better life for them and their countrymen…I am prouder still. Stop the hate!!! Stop finding reasons to be angry. There is enough to worry about without picking apart every single thing you see and hear in a day’s time. Enjoy your family and friends and the air you breathe. Be glad that those who serve voluntarily do so and that you, your sons, your fathers, your friends are not ripped from your homes and forced to fight as they are in some third world nations. Now is the time to come together and show the world that although we don’t always agree on everything, we will protect each other and defend each other and love each other because hate begets hate and we have had enough

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